Monday, June 10, 2013

Still Searching/Waiting

I am still searching and waiting for my next job to come along, I am getting concerned and fearful of what is going to happen. I'm trying to remain positive; however, the unemployment benefits will not cover our monthly expenses - no matter how much I trim the monthly expenses. I have not received any child support for 3 weeks now (I was receiving child support weekly). My ex will potentially start a new job this week so hopefully child support will begin again. He lost his job at the end of May. It was a temp position that ended. He is supposed to receive unemployment benefits as well and has a meeting with the unemployment office tomorrow to discuss why he is not receiving any benefits.

I went on a job interview Thursday. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want the job, but can't take it due to the commute. I'm discouraged, but I will get over it. It is a great opportunity and would allow me to work on projects that I have wanted to go back to for a long time. I think the key words there are "back to". As much as I enjoy the work, I think there is something to be said about "going back". Maybe that is why God is blocking it. Maybe because it is time for a change. I just wish I knew what the "change" is supposed to be. My focus has been to find work that I can do from home. There is blogging, virtual admin work or there are positions in my field that allow for flexible working arrangements. I have tried direct selling companies in the past and it is not my thing. I do still submit my resume to positions that are not based at home just to see where God is leading me; however, I am very passionate about being at home for the kids.

I believe my place is at home right now. It's just a matter of finding a way to earn a living while being home. I love this time with the kids and do not want it to end. Hopefully, some doors will open very soon that will allow me to earn a living and stay home.

I have another job that I interviewed for one week ago. I should hear today about whether or not the company wants to move forward with interviewing me.

Trying to meditate on:

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Psalm 111:5 He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever.

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